Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Paddy's

Love the weekends OH SO MUCH. More progress on the upstairs loft! We went to Marshall's (oh yeah!) and found some fantastic things, including this pillow that I am in LOVE with:

I love vintage looking pillows and this is my new favorite thing. And a bargain!! Love love love love!

We went to a British pub for lunch today, where the surprisingly massive Texan population of British and Irish congregates all gather. We LOVE this place. And it was perfect today. We watched the England vs. Ireland rugby and had some green beer. Perfect. Now we're relaxing at home, the downstairs is finally clean and the weather is 'meh.'

Windy, cloudy/sunny, about 80 degrees. I'm sure it will storm later today or tomorrow, but for now, I'm enjoying the mild temps.

Making some deeelicious black/red beans and rice tonight - will post recipe later!

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