My sister-in-law introduced me to Pinterest I don't know how long ago. All I know is, it took me about 17 seconds before I was obsessed with it. Why? Heck if I know.
The concept is ridiculously simple: Pin things you like. On a board. Online. Oh, that's all it takes for me to waste 4 hours of my time?
Apparently, yes.
To be fair, it's got a ton of great ideas when it comes to cooking, cleaning, organizing, home design, etc. But then there are a few things that I just scratch my head at - example A: Political Propaganda. First off, there's about 212546548563121 sites out there that make more sense to post this stuff on. But for whatever reason, it ends up on Pinterest. Example B: Teenage bucket lists. These make me laugh, more often than not. Because they consist of things like "Fall in love with a country boy" and "Sleep in a parking lot." That last one I might have made up, but things that make an equal amount of sense I have seen. First off, that country boy might be a complete dick. Second, sleeping in a parking lot is asking for a) to be run over, or b) to be kidnapped. Just saying. They're hilarious.
I have five boards: Future Home, Food, Genius!, Things I Love, and Crafts*
*I don't actually craft. I just pretend I do.
My future home board is super full. As is "Things I Love" Crafts...not so much. Because I am the least crafty person of anyone I know. Having sausage fingers like mine, (short, fat) are not very adept at glue guns and the like. So I steer clear.
Anyhoots, I love this stupid site. Find me and follow me here.
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