Saturday, March 17, 2012


Ikea has, crazily enough, become Bryan and I's Friday night date spot. Totally by accident, of course. We just think of the projects we need to do this weekend, and Ikea seems the best place to kick it off.

We have thus spent the last THREE Friday nights at Ikea. This is both awesome and horribly sad.

The week before last, we were picking up little things - candles, towels, storage, etc...

Last week, we were re-doing our living room. We got an entertainment center.

This week, we are re-doing our loft area upstairs. We needed a desk and a sofa-bed (or, as I kept referring to it, a 'sofa-couch').

Anyway, a good portion of our cash has thus far gone to Ikea, their furniture, and their magical $3.99 meatballs.

Also went and picked up the cuuuuuuuuuuttest little things for my niece's 1st birthday yesterday - a cute little coat and a 'Sleep Sheep' that plays little sounds and hums to get you to sleep. I think I need want one, too.

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