Monday, April 16, 2012

I was an almost PERFECT girl today!

I was sooooo good with my diet today. Best I've been. The only thing I could've done better would be to have gone to the gym. BUT ALAS, I didn't. But I still did good, I think!

My nasty GNC Lean Shake

Turkey Wrap from Jason's Deli

Spanakopita Quesadillas

Healthy (no, really!) chocolate chip cookies

LOOK HOW GOOD I WAS!!!!! I have to say, I'm impressed with myself. Mainly because I actually cooked.  And had lots and lots of veggies/fruit. There was an entire bag of spinach in my quesadillas. I'm going to be shitting regular for a week. I'm okay with this. I'm just glad I had a good day. I still have 6 or so points left today. Booyah!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekend Goings-On

Woo, weekend! It's been part busy, part lazy, all awesome.

Friday night Bryan and I were bored, and decided to go out. We went to this burger place that's supposed to be AMAZING, and lo and behold....meh.

It tasted like something I could've made at home. Without seasoning. Blech. It was very disappointing. Then  we just decided to drive...just drive. We went to Lake Ray Hubbard, about 30 minutes East of us, just to see the sunset, so we did. Then we were craaaaving Dude, Sweet Chocolate, so we went to Oak Cliff (sketttchyyy, but worth it) and got us some awesome toffee. I got some with almonds and argan oil and Bryan got his with lime and huckleberry. YUMMMMM. AND they gave us a discount because we drive there from our house to get it. Yuuuums.

We popped over to the Soda Gallery, because it was there, and got some soda - Bryan a ginger ale, me a black cherry. Then we came home and relaxed.

Yesterday was great, too! Bryan was working all day, but I cleaned and did laundry and had some quiet time. Then Bryan came home, and Jess and Ryan came over and we all went to dinner. We were supposed to go bowling afterwards, but the lane wait was FOREVER, so we came home and watched....UHF. The Weird Al movie. Yep. That's what I watched on Saturday night. Yeesh. But it was fun! They came back over this morning and we went to Ihop and had breakfast. Fun!

Once they left, Bryan went to work, and I weeeennnnnt shopping! Woowoo! Got some cute stuff and then came home and painted my nails and am watching crappy television while skyping with my mother.

Back to work Monday....wooooo.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sleep is (Apparently) Overrated

Was NOT sleepy at all last night. Ended up going to bed around 1am, only a mere 3 hours later than my normal bedtime. I was dreading waking up, knowing I was going to be miserable.

And then a miracle happened.

I slept REALLY really well. I haven's slept that great in....a looong time. So when I woke up at 6am, I wasn't that groggy or tired. I felt gooood. I woke up, got my shake and got out the door. Even bothered doing make up. (whaaa!!)

And I stayed awake, which is the amazing thing. I only had one cup of coffee and water from then on out.

Maybe I need to sleep 5 hours all the time...

Gym tonight with the hubs. Looking forward to being shamed into shape by him.

Dinner and then gym!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So it's been bad....

Key updates, here:

Bryan and I scampered off to Oklahoma to visit my uncle and cousins, and my parents surprised us and came down from Colorado to visit, too!

Bryan and the 'men' (I use this term loosely with my uncles, haha!) went to help around the farm. My mom and aunt and I went around to the tiny little town of Seneca, Missouri and wandered around antique stores. I found a $10.00 fishing rod for Bryan and brought it back, and he and my cousin Nate spent the afternoon fishing in the pond on the farm. My cousin Mark also brought down some guns, so Bryan got to shoot with them. He is now obsessed with getting a .22. I say: Fat chance. He has not given up.


Bryan joined the gym I go to! Now we're going about 4 days a week. Basically all that's happened because of this is that I'm going regularly and he's shaming me into oblivion. For a guy who's diet consists of hot dogs, Ramen, and root beer, boy is in SHAPE. Damn him.

We went out with a co-worker of mine, Ryan this weekend, and his girlfriend Jess. We went to go see 21 Jump Street and had some seafood. It was a good time! We're looking to go do something this weekend, too. I'm glad to finally have friends in Dallas! Woowoo!

Tuesday saw some scaaary tornadoes here in the Metroplex. Apparently there was one just coming to my work, but it lifted off less than a mile out. I popped a Xanax. And gave one to another girl who was having the same issue. We bonded and hid in the bathroom and watched the radar on my tablet. Nothing bonds people faster than three things: 1. Hatred of a third person 2. Fear 3. Music. Just saying,

Looking forward to a great year here in Texas - things looking good at work, friends, and between me and Bryan. To the best!

...and to more frequent updates...yeesh.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Melancholy Monday

Couldn't sleep last night for the life of me. So tired. And feeling icky today. I blame the Taco Bell Bryan was craving last night that we ate for dinner. Poor choices. Taking the day off of work to compensate for those.

It is a windy, windy day here in Texas! We are due for 'torrential' rains here today, tomorrow, and the next, but at the moment it's sunny, and gusty. Blech. Can't wait for everyone to freak out about water in the road.

Texans, I love most of you, but none of you have any clue how to drive in rain. Coloradans have the same problem. We're great in three feet of snow, but two inches of water?? Blasphemy!! However, I'm still loads better than those here. Just saying.

Our cheapy loft re-do is just about complete! I have some art I want to get up in here, but other than that, we're finished! I'm pretty happy with it. I wish wish wish we could do more major renovations, but I'll take what I can get. It's better, in any case.

Off to get a few things done - can't stand being home and not doing anything!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Healthy Marriages: Compromise

As Bryan and I are only in our 15th month of marriage, we are still trying to navigate the wonder of compromise. We're pretty good at it, I have to say...but it's still a lot of work. 

At our (apparently) weekly Ikea shopping trip, we were having trouble compromising on a desk. He wanted an L shaped desk that I felt was too big for the space. I found a smaller, but equally as functional L shaped desk with a pull-out. He didn't like it. Thus became the dilemma. He didn't want to compromise on an L shape, and I didn't want anything too huge that took away from the space. Ikea didn't do a great job of providing alternatives that we could both agree on, either. In the end, we left Ikea. He was stressed, I was irritated, and we were halfway to an argument in the middle of the desk department. 

However, on our crabby way home, we realized we still needed to go to Home Depot for some brackets and (other guy stuff I can't remember). While we were there, I let him do his thing (he needed alone time) and I wandered around on my own. There, in aisle something and such, was the perfect solution: shelves. We have a good sized desk, and to make it an L would just require a shelf mounted to the wall. When Bryan caught up with me, I pointed this out. He checked his measurements, and voila! A shelf would work! 

Thankfully, this was a solution we were BOTH happy with - and our wallets thanked us, because one shelf and brackets ended up being way less expensive than a whole brand new desk. It took a little cursing, a lot of angst, and some time away, but we eventually found our solution. I wish every disagreement could be solved with a trip to Home Depot, but for now, I'll take what I can get. 

Compromise: The hardest thing about marriage.

Dinnertime: Cuban Black Beans and Rice

I should preface this by saying I love anything easy, that can generally be made with what I have at home. The less time spent at the grocery, the better. That said, this pretty much fits the bill! I think this is super yummy and easy, and really, very healthy for you!

Cuban Black Beans and Rice
Image via: Weight Watchers

  • In a small saucepan, bring 2 cups of water to a boil; add rice and cook as package directs.
  • Meanwhile, heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 1/2 cups of onion and all of the pepper; cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 7 minutes. Add garlic, cumin and oregano; cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
  • Stir in beans and their liquid, remaining 1/2 cup of water and salt; bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to low and simmer for flavors to blend, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in vinegar and 1/3 cup of cilantro.
  • To serve, spoon beans over rice; sprinkle with 1/4 cup of remaining onion and 1/3 cup of remaining cilantro; squeeze fresh lime juice over top. Yields about 3/4 cup of beans and 1/2 cup of rice per serving.

  • Sprinkle with salt before serving, if desired
  • I also really like putting some deeelicious cheese on there. Cheese is a food group for me...sooooo.