Monday, April 16, 2012

I was an almost PERFECT girl today!

I was sooooo good with my diet today. Best I've been. The only thing I could've done better would be to have gone to the gym. BUT ALAS, I didn't. But I still did good, I think!

My nasty GNC Lean Shake

Turkey Wrap from Jason's Deli

Spanakopita Quesadillas

Healthy (no, really!) chocolate chip cookies

LOOK HOW GOOD I WAS!!!!! I have to say, I'm impressed with myself. Mainly because I actually cooked.  And had lots and lots of veggies/fruit. There was an entire bag of spinach in my quesadillas. I'm going to be shitting regular for a week. I'm okay with this. I'm just glad I had a good day. I still have 6 or so points left today. Booyah!!!

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